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Showing posts from May, 2015

5 o'clock

We worked on making more sentences. Each student was assigned the same action verb, but they had to make different grammatical structures with the same sentence. The sentence used is the first grammatical sentence made by the student who created it. The sentence is in the present tense.  I put their initial next to each sentence they say for later reference. The students are starting to create sentences faster. That is great. Each sentence is spoken verbally. I write the sentences for the students to save time. 

My 9 o'clock class

This class has two high school students. They are making sentences with verbs. It's a fun class. The sentences that make are interesting. Both students are energetic. This is a fun class. 

My 7 o'clock class.

This student is a junior night school student. He started at five years old. Since then, he has learned a lot. In this class we are using Target 1100 by Gakken. This book is a vocabulary book. He is making different grammatical sentences with the words. He is good and as each week passes, he's making more detailed sentences.