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December 2, 2018

4:10 Class Today, we did some reviews of the ABCs and verbs and adjectives. We played games and did some phonics. The students are very active. We did some letter search and word search using a dictionary. The next level to the goal of reading is for the students to match the sounds to the letters. Both students speak and repeat words ana sentences I say and they are remembering cards and can say what the cards are. 6:00 Today, we finished with the conversation. I gave them their grammar text. We will start that next week. I am so excited. I know for a fact that they will so well. The students are very smart and active.   7:10 Today, we continued with making questions from sentences. They are understanding more and more. They tell me what to do ana I correct and mistakes. This class is fun. I hope they will be able to move to the next level were we will start having actually conversations in English.

November 26, 2018

4:10 Class Today, we played games and sang songs. We practiced saying the ABCs and phonics. The students participated and spoke. We plays card games. The students have to pick the correct card from a group of cards. They are gradually memorizing the cards. I think one of them is actually reading some the words on the cards. We also played with blocks that had different shapes. This class is progressing well.

November 19, 2018

4:10 Class Today, two children came for a trail lesson. The lesson went well. We dstartes with the ABCs, then did some phonics practice and after than letter search and dictionary word search practice. We sang songs and counted our body parts. We played some cards games. I said a sentence and the students repeated what I said. We also did Today’s Lesson. The class went well. The mothers also participated when it was necessary.  We had a great time. 6:00 Class Today’s class was fun. We continued the reading lesson. The students read the conversation. We also played some reading games. We also translated the conversation to English, then played a comprehension game. I said a sentence in English and they would said it in Japanese, then I said it in Japanese and they said it in English. The class was fun 7:00 Class This class is doing well. I am teaching them to makes questions from statements. The class is going well. Everyone participates which makes the class more exciting. Ne

November 5, 2018

4 o’clock Class We sang songs and played some card games. One of the students looked up words in a dictionary, while the other student searched for words on an ABC letter search A4 placard. We did phonics practice too. I asked the students, “How are you?” The natural answer is “I am fine”, but in reality any reply is fine, so I asked that question, then showed them some adjectives cards to which they are to answer, “I am ....” plus the adjective the card is displaying. We all counted our body parts. I had them count individually. The funny thing is that the one year old says repeats after me, and he also repeats after the older student as well. Concerning the dictionary, the three year old student is looking up words. That is great. I will be happy when he starts finding three to four words in the time allotted.  The one year old student asked for the ABC placard himself as soon as he saw me grab a dictionary. I am anticipating the three year old student to pass the phonics test in a

October 22, 2018

4:10 Class Today, the students sang and played some card games. We focused on phonics and using a dictionary. One of the students who is three years old has just start looking up words in a dictionary. The other student who is one year old is recognizing the ABC cards that I show him and he he able to find that letter on a card with all the letters on the alphabet on it. The one year old student is beginning to repeat more of the phonics that I say. I am hoping that he will pass the test within the next four to six months. Both students are gradually staring to say the names of the cards I show them. That is a grear thing. I am hoping that both students will pass the phonics test we have by April of 2019 and advance to the reading class level. 5:00 Today we continued to make sentences with on word. The student understands what to do. His level is advancing weekly. Today’s sentences that were made was “A beaver had blown a tree.” This sounds strange, but it is fine. Next week I wil

October 15, 2018 Class.

October 15, 2018 4:10 Class Today, we sang songs, played some card games and practiced phonics. The student also studied more on using the dictionary. He is three years old and he is doing well. He should be officially looking up words in two weeks. I think he will be start reading within the next six months. Today’s special lesson was “What can you do?” 5:00 Class We continued with making sentences in English. The student is doing fine. I am planning that we can advance to making questions from statements in a few months.  6:00 Class Today’s lesson was reading. We started the second conversation. They are doing well. I gave them a phonics test. The five year old passed it. She enter the class in June. They are doing very well.  7:00 Class We continued with making questions from statements. The students are doing well. They are telling me the process. I hope within the next two months we can start having conversations in English. This class is doing we
SBS Oct 1,2018 4:10 Played some cards games with animals, food, and ABCs. Practiced phonics. Did some dictionary practice and sang songs. The class was fun. The students repeated words and sentences and the phonics with me.  5:00 We translated Japanese sentences into English. I asked the student to tell me the steps to translate the Japanese sentence into English. He did very well. The next step is for him to say the sentences automatically.  6:00 The students read the conversation from last week and translated the sentences into English. They did very well. The goal is for them to get comfortable, then start their grammar class.  7:00 The students continued with learning how to make questions from statements. They are doing well. The goal for them is to ask different questions from the statements. The class was fun. 

September 24, 2018

4:10 Class Preposition game  ABC’s search and phonics game Card games - food and emotions Songs - Head and Shoulders and Opposites Today’s Lesson - What will you do? Memory game - emotions  This student is one year old. He is repeating words and saying the names of the cards he knows such as “happy, sad, tired, and more. I am expecting him and the other student who is three years old to start reading within the next six months. These kids are smart.  5:00 Made sentences with verbs. Today’s words were “Block” and “Blow”.  Today’s sentences were 1. There is a big door.  2. There I am blocking a door. 3. A beavers blows on a tree.  This student is doing well. He is in the fourth grade. 6:00 English reading and translation. Today’s Reading assignment was “Let’s Play Together”. We translated some sentences into Japanese for comprehension purposesa. Wee also practiced phonics. Today’s class was fun. 7:00 Today we made questions from statements. The ag

My 8 o'clock class.

This class has two students. They are siblings. This class' English level is high. Both students are in elementary school. This class is learning to make questions from statements. This is very easy. I teach them in a very simple matter.

September 10, 2018

September 10, 2018 4:10 Class Ryuki (3) and Ryuha (1) did very well in class. We sang an ABC song and played two ABC games.  When I say the letters and the phonics, they repeat after me. We played some card games. We sang songs and counted our body parts. They are doing well in class. 5:00 Class Ren(10) is very energetic. He is learning how to make seven different grammatical sentences with verbs. Today’s word was “block”. The sentence he thought of was “私はドアをふさいだことがあります。”  He understands what nouns, verbs and the articles - a, an, the. The sentences he made with the word “block” are 1. I black a door. 2. The door is big. 3. I am blocking a door. 4. I have blocked a door. 5. I had blocked a door. He has two more sentences to make. 1. There I am blocking a door. 2. There is a big door. 6:00 Class The two students are learning to read. The students are 4 and five year old. They smasvamced to the reading class level two weeks ago. The four year old joined my c